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CDi3.FTe Submersible, Universal Gas-Field Controller
Keller Digital Pressure Transducers/Transmitters
Burkert Solenoid Modifications
PDL/CDi History: Pembina Lake Erie Datalogger
LD Series Pressure Transmitters
CDi.P5.FTe Submersible Natural Gas Flowmeter
Long Range RF Link (900MHz)
CDiComm Remote Monitoring and Control Software
CDi.P5.Sw Submersible Natural Gas Flowmeter and Intermitter
CDi3.FTe Submersible, Universal, Gas Field Controller
ZDL5 Simple Submersible Flowmeter
Old Analogue PDL5 Board Morphs to Digital ZDL5 Switcher!
ZDL5.FTe Switcher
Indefinitely shelved, not for sale. Locked and put away at LoggerLand5, partial unlock code is "neena". Adam, 2017/11/25. Additional information above what is shown here is only available to SCi.RS members. Adam, 2018/Jan/05.
  • This is the first ZDL5.FTe Switcher ever built, it "reads" the Kellers it is attached to in digital mode, it beats an analogue PDL5 switcher in all categories, it is a ZDL5.FTe, and that means it uses two Keller singles to measure flow, operation identical to the CDi3.Fte but "talks" to the computer and to its Kellers at 9600 baud. There will be a ZDL5.RMe soon, this one will use a differential Keller and a single Keller to measure flow, much like we have been doing with the P5 switchers.
  • Because it reads all the pressures digitally, it does everything in 2.9 seconds as opposed to 6 seconds for its analogue cousin. The pressure transmitters only need to be powered up for less than a second as opposed to almost 6 seconds of its analogue cousin. This results in the ZDL using just over a third of the power the analogue P5 uses.
  • This ZDL eliminates calibration, the user only needs to select a pressure range from a menu.
  • Application software for both the ZDL5.FTe and the ZDL5.RMe is CDiComm.

  • Here is the ZDL5 Switcher development page, installed the first one June 9th, 2017.
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Copyright © 1991-2024 AdamG Saturday, November 25, 2017 4:45:06 PM